Compensation Law

Compensation law is designed to assist the recovery of those who have suffered injury and/or loss arising from various circumstances. Compensation typically comprises money “awarded” to somebody in recognition of their suffering and/or the reimbursement of expenses incurred in managing their loss or injury.

Areas of compensation

You can be injured or suffer loss in almost any area of life. As experienced compensation lawyers, our goal is to ensure that you receive your full entitlement to compensation as quickly and inexpensively as possible. We can help you in all areas of personal injury and compensation law, including:

  • Motor vehicle accident claims
  • Workers compensation
  • Workplace claims
  • Catastrophic injury claims
  • Professional negligence
  • Medical negligence
  • Public liability claims

In cases where someone has a duty to take care (for example, a duty owed to you by other road users, your employer, or your doctor) and they fail in their duty and you are injured, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

Unfortunately, compensation law is not straightforward in any area. Depending upon where the injury occurred, whether or not you were at fault, and your degree of injury, you may be eligible under multiple schemes. Some of these schemes are mutually exclusive (so if you go down one path, you cannot go down another), and each has pros and cons that a lawyer can explain to you.

For instance, in the case of a motor vehicle accident, you can access compensation under insurance schemes such as Compulsory Third Party or Lifetime Care and Support. However, these amounts are capped, and the eligibility rules are stricter than the laws of negligence. You can also apply for common law damages for negligence, where you seek compensation through the courts, which can yield a much larger payout but will likely take significant time, stress, and expense.

In every case, you need to be very careful that you do not sign away your rights to compensation under one scheme and accept a lesser amount.

Compensation laws help injured people get back on track (as best as possible) after suffering injury and loss, generally due to somebody else’s negligence. Time limits apply when seeking compensation and, generally, only you and your lawyer are focused on ensuring that you receive everything you should.

If you need assistance, contact one of our lawyers at [email protected] or call 02 6580 0199 for expert legal advice.